Major symptoms of Coronavirus high fever, dry cough, swelling in the throat, tiredness and shortness of breath. Some neurological symptoms such as confusions, loss of smell, behavioral changes have also been observed recently in Covid-19 patients. This has affected the mental condition of some patients admitted to the hospital because of the virus.
Many dangerous effects like stroke, brain hemorage and memory loss are now seen in patients with corona virus.A famous Neurologist says , “He has seen neurological symptoms in about half of the patients in the Covid-19 unit. Scientists are currently trying to understand why the virus is having a bad effect on the brain.
Neurologists listed the theories of scientists who are doing research on the subject. According to the article, ‘All the conditions related to the mind can be seen in the cases of Covid-19 all over the world. These include confusions, loss of consciousness, seizures, stroke, loss of test, loss of test, headache, inability to focus and practical changes.
According to the report, some Covid-19 patients have also seen problems related to ‘Common Peripheral Nerve’, which can cause paralysis and respiratory failure. According to a report published in the Leading Science Journal, similar symptoms were found in the outbreak of SARS and MERS caused by the corona virus. What is the connection of Covid-19 disease with human mind? In this regard, four key points have been mentioned in the current study :
According to the report, if the virus is able to enter the brain, the risk of serious and sudden infection can increase drastically. At the same time, a case was also seen in Florida, where viral particles were found in brain cells and some cases were seen in China and Japan where the genetic material of the virus was found in spinal fluid.. This can only be possible with the entry of the virus into the blood stream and nerve.
Many types of psychological changes are observed in victim of Covid-19. From high fever to lack of oxygen in various parts of the body, it can cause brain dysfunction. In many cases of Covid-19, the risk of the patient being unconscious or in a coma has also been seen.
Blood clotting system problem is also very common in Covid-19 disease. However, the chances of blood clotting are more in the patients of Covid-19 than in a normal person. Blood clots can occur in human lungs and deep veins of the body, which can cause blood flow to stop. If the blood clot closes the path of the arteries leading to the brain, there may be a stroke problem and patient may lead to coma